Sunday, November 24, 2013

Quiet match nights and new clocks

Now the season is well under way we are getting noise problems again on match nights. Therefore - on match nights - i.e. when any MSCL match is being played - the plan is to use the large through room, preferably with the screen doors open, for all the match and tournament games. Then there is enough room for two home teams plus any tournament games and spectators all in the same room. The poker room and the library will be used for friendlies, analysis and chat. If the folding doors in the large room are kept open people are aware if there are other games still going on, e.g. when a match finishes things can get very animated and disturb the players in the other half. Please remember this if you turn up early for an internal match (you can check the MSCL fixture list on the website if you're not sure).

Extra numbers also mean we were getting very short of usable clocks. Anthony has done a thorough inventory of what we have and mended what was mendable. Then we have bought six new analogue and five digital clocks for matches and released roughly the same number of older clocks for general use. Clocks and boards are now stored in one cupboard and sets in the other. We are expecting people to gradually get more used to using digital clocks so now there are plenty to practice with! Teams will have a choice of which to use.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Duke of York : Film: Computer Chess

Hi Folks,

A new film called Computer Chess is going to be screened at the Duke of York Cinema at 9pm next Friday the 15th November. 

Here is link to the film description;

I think it would be great if we had a sort of chess club outing to watch this film. what do you think?

Also I am meeting Robin Jones at the Worlds End pub at 7pm a few hours before the film starts to play a few games of chess and a have a pint, please come and join us or meet at the Cinema.

Here is a link to the worlds end pub;

see you all there.

Kind Regards


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

e2e4 Gatwick Congress

Seven of us went to the e2e4 Gatwick Congress at the weekend. The five in the U140 mostly played each other - when they weren't battling against the joint British Champion under 8s, plus one or two others. Rob did the best coming joint 3rd on 3½ - having played two of his colleagues and avoided the under 8s altogether. Mustapha came joint 4th in the U170 on the same score with Robin only half a point behind. A great tournament with great company, only the bar food pricey and abysmal.