Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First team retains the shine

The captain collects the trophy but congratulations to all the first team players.

Doug Stevenson presents Paul Batchelor with the first division winners' Mowatt Cup at the MSCL AGM

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


MSCL AGM is next Tuesday, 18th June at 7:45pm in Lewes. The agenda, proposed rule changes and last year's minutes are all on the MSCL website.

Monday, June 10, 2013

McArthur Cup Final 2013

On a sunny day Brighton & Hove travelled to the St Francis & Haywards Heath venue. The outcome was to match the weather from a Brighton & Hove point of view.
Brian Denman was White in a Tarrasch French. i saw him win a pawn and then the Queen of his opponent Robert Fitzgerald. One nil to Brighton & Hove.
Luke Rutherford was Black in a Scheveningen Sicilian. His game looked quite wild. His opponent however sacrificed a Piece unsoundly and Luke was able to capitalise on this. Two nil to Brighton & Hove.
Chris Lowe was White playing against a Centre Counter defence. Despite an apparently equal middlegame he was eventually able to outplay his opponent and clinch the match for Brighton & Hove. We were Three-Nil up and had already an unassailable Board Count position.
Geoffrey James was Black in a Two Knights Defence game. After a long struggle he went on to win an exchange and convert his advantage. Four nil to Brighton & Hove.
John Henshaw was White in a Slav Opening. This was the last game to finish decisively as John was to convert his advantage and take the win. Five nil to Brighton & Hove.
My game was a Sicilian 2.Na3. An unusual opening that led eventually to a draw.
The final score had been 5.5-0.5 in favour of Brighton & Hove. This is the Fifth consecutive year a Brighton & Hove side has won the competition.