The agenda is the usual format with no extra items or changes anticipated. A golden opportunity to pay your subs. for 2019-20 and voice any ideas on the club. If you'd like to run a rapidplay or captain a team in the Mid-Sussex League now's the time to volunteer. New members who've been on summer freebies can finally join the club and current members can benefit from a whopping £10 discount if they renew smartly - this stops you being removed from the Membership List and helps us plan for the new season.
It's not what the club can do for you, it's what you can do for the club, etc........
Mid-Sussex Chess League
This is especially true in the Mid-Sussex League which is currently hanging by a thread. No minutes have emerged from the AGM in June following the resignation of the secretary and no updates on the website following the resignation of the webmaster.
See the following from an email from Peter Farr:
Finally a few points arising from this year’s AGM:
1) Following the resignations of Matthew Britnell and of Barry Maufe, the roles of league Secretary and league Webmaster became vacant. There is also a vacancy for a Tournament Controller for the league. Marc Bryant has agreed to cover the Webmaster role as an interim measure. I must stress that the league will fold without sufficient people prepared to run it. if anybody is interested in a role, then please contact Doug Stevenson; we would also be grateful if you could canvas for possible candidates within you clubs.
2) The AGM voted to adopt the ECF’s League Management System for fixtures and results this year. Marc Bryant is managing the implementation, and as some of are aware, has already begun to set up the system for us (the site currently contains dummy fixtures, which give a feel for what it will look like – the actual list should be available by late September on the site, and I will also send the usual copies in excel format).
3) The AGM voted to adopt a non-negotiable single time control for the league from the 2019/20 season: 65 minutes for all moves with a 30-second increment from move one. Unless agreed in advance by the captains to be longer, the playing session shall be 3 hours and 10 minutes. Time will be called on the session at that point and, if a result is not agreed in incomplete games, those games shall be adjudicated. While no change to the starting time rules were made, clubs are urged to try to ensure prompt 7.30 starts. The revised rules will be posted on the website in due course.