Sunday, October 11, 2020

Risk assessment of Brighton & Hove Chess Club relating to the possibility of Covid-19 infection

In view of the improved Covid situation this risk assessment is no longer being reviewed. For updates follow this link:

Transmission of the virus from player to player while attending chess playing session:

1 By touching hard surfaces or equipment already touched by an infected person.

1.1 Venue Features: Door knobs, light switches, banister rail, windows etc.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Ensure that any hard surface likely to be touched is cleaned before the start of the session; doors left open; hand washing facilities and sanitiser provided. Ask players to sanitise or wash their hands before the session and to repeat this when changing opponents.

Consider – Regular reminders of cleaning procedures; checklist for cleaning points.

1.2   Food and drink consumption.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Use of kitchen facilities will not be allowed; no tea/coffee will be available; players must bring and take away any food/drink/containers required for their own use.

1.3 Money handling.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Minimise the handling of cash payments from joining/re-joining members.

1.4 Outer wear and possessions (coats, hats, scarves, bags etc).

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touching another player’s clothing or possessions.

Recommended action – Ask players to bring minimal amount of outer clothing and bags etc. Place outerwear on a chair where it will not come into contact with any player. If a bag or other item is essential to bring then it should be placed on the floor near the player.

1.5 Toilets.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player. Contaminated toilet areas have potential to transmit the virus. N.B. The door at the top of the stairs, when propped open, obstructs access to the toilet and has to be partially closed in order to pass by.

Recommended action – Ensure the availability of adequate soap in a dispenser, disinfecting wipes, disposable paper towels and a suitable disposal bin; ask players to wipe the surfaces they have touched (and bin the wipes) and to wash their hands thoroughly afterwards; the door at the top of the stairs (in addition to the door to the toilet itself) to be wiped at the start and end of the session.

Consider – Display relevant signage.

1.6 Players bringing the virus in on their hands.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Advise players beforehand by email not to attend if they show any signs of the virus; display signage on front door listing the virus symptoms, asking players not to enter the building if they have any symptoms and reminding players to wash hands on entry.

Consider – Regular reminders not to attend if symptoms are present; signage at other points in the venue.

1.7 Tables and chairs.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touching contaminated surfaces.

Recommended action – Wipe tables and chairs clean before start of each session; set up folding tables and chairs ready for use according to the planned layout of match-ups (1.8, 1.9); encourage players not to move furniture unnecessarily during the playing session; discourage players from putting coats etc on chairs or backs of chairs; general movement of players in the playing area and changes of opponent kept to a minimum.

Consider – Plan the layout of furniture beforehand; give clear instructions to players; wear disposable gloves when setting up.

1.8 Chess club equipment: Pieces (including boxes and drawstring bags), boards and clocks.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Limit the number of match-ups (table and chairs with a set laid out for two players) to be consistent with current restrictions; playing equipment to be set up prior to the arrival of players by the dedicated leader for the session; use vinyl covered boards only; playing equipment should not be moved unnecessarily; equipment to be put away by the dedicated leader for the session; signage to remind players to socially distance and to wear a mask (or face covering) when inside the venue and when playing; wipes to be available for disinfecting surfaces touched (e.g. clocks); provide a suitable bin for disposal of wipes.

Consider – Quarantine equipment at the end of each playing session.

1.9    Playing chess games.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch (for droplet inhalation see 2.2).

Recommended action – Wear a mask; provide hand sanitiser and disinfecting wipes for use during the playing session.

Consider – Use the same set/board/clock for multiple games in a session; each player removes their own pieces from the board when taken by their opponent; a player may bring their own set from home.

Wearing gloves is no substitute for hand washing so this is not recommended.

1.10  Scoresheets and pens.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Ask players to bring their own pens; place scoresheets on each table prior to the start of each playing session; players to take scoresheets home.

1.11  Library.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touching books or magazines.

Recommended action – Minimise the handling of books or magazines; books borrowed before the lockdown can be returned – the dedicated leader should be informed and the books left on the top shelf.

Consider – Quarantine books that have been touched or returned.

1.12  Demonstration boards.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by touch.

Recommended action – Do not use demonstration until further notice.

2 By inhaling droplets breathed out by an infected person.

2.1 Players standing or walking in the playing area without observing social distancing.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by airborne droplet.

Recommended action – Display signage reminding players to wear a mask and maintain social distancing; avoid passing other players on the stairs and take particular care at the top of the stairs, along the narrow passage and at the entrance to the playing rooms and kitchen.

Consider – No spectating.

2.2 Players breathing on their opponent during a game.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by airborne droplet.

Recommended action – Advise players to bring their own face mask and wear it at all times in the venue; the chess club will have a stock of disposable single use face masks if needed; ensure that the layout of the playing tables and chairs fulfils social distancing guidance currently in place; players should be at least 1 metre apart when seated; ensure that the playing area is well ventilated with windows open and doors propped open.

Consider – Plan the room layout ahead of the playing session; limit the number of players by using a booking system.

2.3 Players breathing on each other as they move about the room and change opponents.

Who might be harmed and how – Any player, by airborne droplet.

Recommended action – Masks to be worn at all times; players should maintain social distancing; ensure that the layout of the playing tables fulfils current social distancing guidance; ensure that everyone is aware of the procedures in place.

Consider – Get out a new set for the person who has moved seats.
