Rapidly improving Michael recently won an exciting game in the Brighton 3 v Horsham 2 match. Faced by a very experienced opponent in Peter Harbott, he sacrificed a bishop, then a rook and finally a rook for a bishop before mating the enemy king. The comments in the enclosed game are Michael's and mine and are based on computer analysis. If members of the club want a game published on the blog, please contact me.
[Event "Mid Sussex League Div 2"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "08.04.2014"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Peter Harbott"]
[Black "Michael J Hamilton"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
1. d4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. exd5 {A rather drawish way to play against the French
Defence} 3... exd5 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. c3 Bd6 6. h3 {White's opening moves signal
that he is aiming for a simple, quiet position with everything under control.
With 6.h3 White wants to prepare Nf3 without allowing any Bg4 pins. However,
delaying development can be surprisingly risky in the French Exchange due to
the rather open pawn structure.} 6... Nf6 7. Nf3 O-O 8. O-O Ne4 {This and
Black's next move form an ambitious plan to unsettle White.} 9. Re1 f5 10.
Qb3 Kh8 11. Kf1 {This puts the king on the vulnerable 'f' file. Better 11
Nbd2.} 11... Ne7 {Better 11...Na5} 12. Ne5 {White is in trouble after this. 12
c4 was better.} 12... c5 {A good move, but 12...Bxe5 13 dxe5 Ng6 was even
better.} 13. Bxe4 {Opens the 'f' file for Black, which cannot be healthy.
Better 13 Qd1, though White has a poor position.} 13... fxe4 14. Bg5 Bxe5 {A
good move, but probably better (although leading to complex variations) was
14...Qe8. If 15 Bxe7 Qxe7 16 Qxd5 Qh4 17 Re2 Bxe5 followed by Bg4 wins for
Black. White also has 17 Nf7+ Rxf7 18 Qxf7 Bxh3 19 Nd2 Rf8 20 Qxf8+ Bxf8 21
gxh3 Qxh3+ when Black is probably winning. 14...c4 and Be6 are also very good
for Black.} 15. dxe5 Bxh3 {A splendidly imaginative sacrifice, but
unfortunately White does not have to take the bishop. 15...h6 and Rf5 were
both strong for Black.} 16. gxh3 {This seems to lose. The correct move was 16
Qxb7, when 16...Rf7 (16...Bd7 17 e6)17 gxh3 Qf8 (17...Rb8 also seems to lead
to a draw)18 Bxe7 Rxf2+ 19 Kg1 Rg2+ is a draw. White can also try 18 Nd2 h6 19
Be3 (19 Bh4 e3! and 19 Bxe7 Rxf2+ 20 Kg1 Qf4 winning)Nf5 20 Bxc5 Rxb7 21 Bxf8
Rxf8 with a slight advantage for Black and 18 Kg1 Ng6 19 Qxd5 Rf5 with
compensation for the material sacrificed.} 16... Qd7 17. c4 Rf3 18. Re3 Qxh3+
19. Ke1 Qh1+ 20. Ke2 Rxf2+ {Another pretty sacrifice.} 21. Kxf2 Rf8+ 22. Kg3
Nf5+ 23. Kf2 Nd4+ 24. Kg3 Qg1+ 25. Kh4 Nxb3 26. Rxb3 h6 27. Bd2 d4 28. Rg3
Qh2+ 29. Rh3 Rf4+ {A final sacrifice.} 30. Bxf4 Qxf4+ 31. Kh5 Qg5# 0-1
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