Thursday, November 20, 2014

Victorious first outing for knock-out team

There are ten teams playing in the MSCL knock-out handicap this season and the first time Brighton and Hove have entered a team. For finish-on-the-night three hour game enthusiasts this is essentially the one to join - no adjournments to alien computers or adjudications by ingenious experts, and no post-match negotiations before you lose on time in ten days rather than ten seconds. No - it's easy-peasy done and dusted, and captains can sleep in their beds, happy in the knowledge that a nightmare of neglected admin. won't wake them sweating in the night.

Tea and biscuits are for sissies in Staplefield where 'refreshments' are taken seriously. A merry time was had by all as our four-person team defeated theirs by 2½-1½ (with a default on board 5). The dreaded QPF wasn't needed by Rob who was first to win. The other three boards, on digital clocks, tried all moves in 60 minutes with a 30 second increment from move one. This seemed to work well, in spite of the automatic additions being somewhat baffling for an Arg. not used to digital. I was keen to try this, or, as it turned out, observe this and the Args. only needed the clocks to gamely give it a go.

ArgumentativesKO 1
BrightonKO 1


Grade PlayerResult
1. 159Graham, Jim 1/2 1/2          Jones, Robin 163
2. 154Kington, Paul1    0           Cain, Michael125
3. 105        Collard, Dennis 0    1    Brown, Terry            113
4.        102  Garson, Mike          0          1    Counsell, Robert 112

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