Thank you to all the people who turned up on Thursday for the AGM. It was a good turnout and the the committee naturally appreciates the support of the membership as well as their ideas and feedback.
Thinking about the concerns Brian Denman was voicing about giving our stronger players more playing opportunities within the club - there has been something of an ongoing debate these last few years around the set up of the club championship - I wonder whether we are missing an opportunity to reach out to our other local clubs. I am thinking particularly of Woodpushers and Knoll Knights, both small clubs which enter teams in the MSCL but run no internal tournaments of their own. We could offer players over 160 (say) the opportunity to play in an open Brighton and Hove all-play-all tournament for a small fee for one year as an experiment. It could be the Club Championship with the proviso that they have to be full members of the club to win the trophy. I think this would have a number of obvious advantages - not least broadcasting the appeal of our club to the local talent!
I was going to put this on the committee blog but as most of your esteemed and hard-working committee are but humble players - with the exception of our current club champion - it doesn't directly concern us. What do others think - both regular members and the likely contenders?